Throughout history, beauty rituals have always been a part women’s lives. Even way back in ancient times, indigenous people used ingredients found in nature and performed ceremonies with them to achieve glowing skin. These days, complex beauty rituals have been replaced with simple daily routines.
For me, self-care has always been a ritualized part of my lifestyle. Even as a young girl, I was intrigued by orderly practices and today, as a skincare specialist, I am so grateful for my skincare rituals.
I’ve worked with thousands of women, and I’ve learned that rituals don’t come easily into everyone’s lives. I love simplifying skincare into easy steps that everyone can incorporate into their daily routine. The 3-Day Beauty Ritual is the ritual that I prescribe the most to my clients to help rejuvenate and renew their skin. I recommend doing this ritual once a month or right before a big event.


Having a positive outlook is one of the most important parts of health, beauty and wellness. It doesn’t matter how good you look on the outside if you don’t feel good on the inside. One of your goals for this 3-day beauty ritual is to practice mindfulness, to try to stay in the present moment. Forget about your concerns for the future or thoughts about the past. Instead, focus your mind on what’s happening right now, to what you’re doing, to the space that you’re in. If you catch your thoughts wandering, bring your attention back to your breath. Do this without judgment. Your mind will inevitably wander, you just need to be mindful of what’s going on in your head and when you catch yourself thinking about something else, gently bring your attention back to your breath.


When: Every morning
For just one minute every morning, find a quiet place to sit. Close your eyes and take three long, deep breaths. Clear your mind of other thoughts and just focus on your breathing. Smile. Imagine that you have already completed the entire 3 days of this journey. You feel more energized and focused. Your skin has a beautiful glow and looks radiant. Your body feels slender and healthier.


What you eat during these 3 days is also extremely important. I recommend only consuming juices. Juice cleanses are beneficial because fruits and veggies are high in vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory properties. Juice cleanses can also flush toxins from your body and improve your digestion, boost your immune system and improve your energy.

Ideally, you should have juices for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, if you would rather start slow, you can have juices for just breakfast and dinner and eat a protein-rich lunch and lots of raw, dark-colored green veggies for lunch.
It's natural to feel hungry on the first day of this cleanse, and you may experience a minor headache on day two, but if you make it through the three days, I promise your mind and body will feel invigorated!

Be strong. You can do this. Imagine the results you want to see in your skin.


When: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Prepare a veggie smoothie to start your day (see some suggested recipes below or create your own). I recommend making a large bottle of veggie smoothie to drink throughout the day. You can supplement fresh pressed raw juice with green powder if it’s easier for you. I prefer Green Vibrance and Jarrow Green Defense.

Throughout the day you should also be drinking plenty of plain water, lemon-pressed water, and/or caffeine-free tea.

In between meals you may have 100% fruit juice. Make sure your juice has no added sugar. I highly recommend taking a multi-mineral and Omega 3, 6, & 9 supplements.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, sodas, and caffeine.

Here are some of my favorite juice recipes.
 3-4 kale leaves
 Bunch of parsley
 3 stalks celery
 ½ Grapefruit
 ¼ cup grapefruit juice, coconut water or cold water

 A cup of Spinach
 A cup of Kale
 1 stalk of Celery
 1 Cucumber
 Handful of Parsley
 Pinch of Ginger

 4 Carrots
 1 beet
 1/2 cucumber
 1/4 squeezed lemon

 5 broccoli heads
 1 red apple
 1/2 lemon juice
 A pinch of Ginger
 Handful of Parsley


At the start, I mentioned that complex beauty rituals have been replaced with simple skincare routines. Having a daily AM and PM skincare routine that works for you is very important to achieving glowing skin, but this daily routine should be supplemented with additional skincare rituals. Many times, getting a professional facial or giving yourself a DIY facial is thought of as a luxury instead of part of a continuous beauty plan. Try to incorporate additional self-care and skincare rituals into your beauty routines. For this 3-day beauty ritual, there are two DIY masks that I’d like you to do.


On the first and third day of the 3-day beauty ritual, give yourself a mini facial. I recommend using the Revitalization Mask and the Exfoliating & Moisturizing Mask below, but you are welcome to make your own or find other recipes online. 

Revitalization Mask
When: First and third day

 2 T pureed pumpkin
 ½ teaspoon honey
 ½ teaspoon milk or almond milk

Exfoliating & Moisturizing Mask
When: First and third day

 1 banana
 1 avocado
 ½ papaya

1. In a small bowl, mix together ingredients until smooth and creamy.
2. Spread a thin layer of the mask on your freshly washed face.
3. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Rinse mask off with lukewarm water, pat dry with a towel.
Note: You can double the recipes and store the leftover mask mixtures in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days.

I also recommend dry brushing your body before and after showering every morning.

Body Brushing
When: Daily, before and after a morning shower.

Body brushing is a great way to sweep away dead skin cells to improve the appearance and strength of your skin, stimulate your lymphatic system and increase blood flow. Invest in a good firm but soft dry brushing brush, I like the Wellfit medium firm flat brush. I also recommend using my Miss Julie Hydrating Glowing Body Oil to make your skin super smooth and soft.

1. Dedicate at least 3-5 minutes to dry brushing before and after showering.
2. Starting at your extremities (hands and feet) and work your way upwards using firm, small strokes or brush in a circular motion.
3. For the stomach area, brush in a counterclockwise pattern.
4. Don’t press too hard or use a brush that’s too stiff. You don’t want to over-exfoliate or damage your skin.